
Publié le 14 February 2025

Press Release: ISAE 3402 Type I and Type II Statements of Conformity


Following an audit conducted by Mazars, Datalog Finance has been recognized as compliant with ISAE 3402 Type I and Type II standards.

Audits must be conducted annually and are based on continuous monitoring of the previous year. After receiving its first certification in March 2024, Datalog Finance was once again recognized as compliant with ISAE 3402 Type I and II in February 2025.

In addition to the optimal security of our SaaS platform, Datalog Finance’s quality approach and the effectiveness of its internal controls have been rewarded.

Introducing ISAE 3402

ISAE 3402 (International Standard on Assurance Engagements n°3402) is a standard for recognizing the reliability of a service provider’s internal control system. It is gradually replacing the American SAS 70 standard internationally.

ISAE 3402 includes 2 levels of control:

  • Type I: assessment of the design and implementation of internal controls at a given point in time
  • Type II: assessment of the effectiveness of internal controls over a 6-month period in addition to Type I


Convinced that the success of our clients depends on optimal quality and security in the publishing process, Datalog Finance has validated its quality approach, internal control procedures and information system through regular audits, resulting in our compliance with ISAE 3402 Type II, the internationally recognized standard for internal control, by Mazars.


ISAE 3402 Datalog Certification

Trust and Transparency

This ISAE 3402 validation allows Datalog Finance to reaffirm its commitment to transparency and to strengthen market confidence in the company. It assures customers that Datalog Finance’s processes and systems are reliable, secure and in line with best practices in internal control. In addition to the inherent security of its systems and cloud platform (multi-certified ISOs and SOCs), Datalog Finance is able to prevent and detect the risk of error and/or fraud, thus creating a climate of total confidence among its customers and users of its treasury systems.

After validating the first phase (Type I) a year ago, Datalog Finance completed the process and validated the second phase (Type II) on January 31, 2024, thus ensuring the highest level of security and quality for its clients.

Datalog Finance's commitment to its clients

For Datalog Finance clients, the ISAE 3402 Type II validation represents:

  • A demonstration of their long-term commitment to security and quality (Type II must be renewed every year)
  • Assurance of the reliability of their internal controls
  • Risk reduction
  • Improved regulatory compliance
  • Simplification of internal controls 
  • A new building block for Datalog Finance, the world’s leading TMS (User Satisfaction – IDC SaaSPath 2023).


For more information on ISAE 3402, please visit the official website.


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